In hot, humid Don Wai, we hear the jingling of harness and the breath
of the reindeer. Christmas is closing rapidly, and we are getting
little done so far. Christmas is a massive task, since not only do we
have the Great Unwashe…
Years ago, my father, Johnny Bill Shea, a retired Wisconsin Aberdeen Angus cattle farmer, laboriously did the banking and scanning of checks for me. When pa was dying and could not do it, my brother Jack took the task until his eye…
Hello from Sarnelli House!
I am back after 5 ½ months of home leave. I had all my medical stuff done, and it was great to see family, friends, and benefactors. But it was really wonderful to return. The morning after Fr. Chuck and I re…
The beginning and middle of August
was more dry and dusty than wet and rainy which proved a worry for Sarnelli House’s
thousands of rice seedlings that have already been planted on Jomp’s Farm.
However by the end of August the rain became more fre…
July saw the rice planting completed on Jomp’s
Farm and the other rice paddies ahead of time with the help of the 2 rice
planting machines. To the great delight of the teenage girls all the weekends in
July were not spent out in the mud and the r…
July saw the rice planting completed on Jomp’s
Farm and the other rice paddies ahead of time with the help of the 2 rice
planting machines. To the great delight of the teenage girls all the weekends in
July were not spent out in the mud and the r…
I have been back stateside for two months, and I have seen more damn doctors during this time than I ever met in my life! I think my medical expenses will put all their kids through college. I needed a new bridge, wh…
Greetings from Sarnelli House!
This month, I am taking over from Fr Mike Shea to write you the monthly update since he is away in USA visiting his sick sister and hunting for shekels for the kids. Fr Bird and Brother Keng are taking a one-month sp…
Hi from Dundee, Wisconsin!
Right now, I am writing this letter from Wisconsin, U.S.A. Cow country! A cousin of mine, with whom I grew up, has serious breast cancer, with heart touble from the chemo, and the cancer has metasticized some…
Happy New Year To All!
Thailand has three new years; the regular one on Jan. 1; Chinese New Year which lasts at least three days around the beginning of February (depending on the moon) and Thai New Year, which is April 13-16…
A year ago, I had O’Connor cousins here and they brought corn beef to cook with cabbage for all our workers, especially the drivers and farm workers, etc. We cleaned out every liquo…
I remember when I entered the novitiate in June 1958. We were together with the class ahead of us, who were 6 weeks from taking their first vows. During their training of our class, they warned us about the ennui and depression of the “tunnel month”,…
January was a wild month and I never got around to writing a newsletter.
I apologize for this! Also, the Green Bay Packers blew the playoffs, so a great
angst set in for a while!
I am helping train three newly ordained Redemptorists here at S…