On March 6th 2010, 10 children from Sarnelli House, in a ceremony at Rosario Witthayu School, graduated from Kindergarten and High School. The 6 who graduated from kindergarten were from 3 different houses. Apec, Goy and Jack live at House of Hope and go to school with the St Patrick’s and Jan and Oscar Boys every day. Auhn and Puerk are from Sarnelli House, and Mawt is the youngest boy at St Patrick’s. When school returns in May 2010, these kids will move up to Patoom 1 or Year 3, and will change their uniform from the red shorts of Kindergarten to the more grown up navy blue of the bigger kids.
Apec, Goy, Jack and Mother Peh from House of Hope
Auhn and Puerk with Kung and Noo Sarnelli House
Palm and Tanee graduated from Mattayom 3 or High School. They live at Jan and Oscar House. Tanee has decided to attend Nongkhai technical college and study computers. He has helped out Kru Gor who is the general fix it all man when it comes to computers in the office and at the childrens’ homes. Palm is going on to study to be an electrician. Both these boys have HIV and despite their early illnesses when they were much younger and lived at Sarnelli House, they are now healthy and looking forward to their future.
Tanee and Palm with Sr Jit from Jan and Oscar House
The 2 girls who graduated from High School, Mai and Nam Phon live at Our Lady of Refuge Home for Girls in Vienghuk . Nam Phon will be attending senior high school in Nongkhai with Mai. Nam Phon is planning to study nursing when she finishes senior high school. Mai will study languages majoring in English with a wish to work in an international hotel.
Nam Phon and Sr Lek Our Lady of Refuge Viengkhuk
Tadum from Nazareth House also graduated and now has a certificate to say that she is a certified traditional Thai masseuse. Along with Tadum, was Loong – Man U’s father whose eyesight has been rapidly deteriorating, and although he now works around Sarnelli House as a janitor, will soon be unable to continue this sort of work. Dap the brother of Dtim who works in the office also graduated. Dap was blind from just after birth and has gone on to learn Braille and swim for the Thai National disabled team. He is teaching Tadum Braille and accompanied and looked after Tadum while she was staying in Nongkhai, studying massage.
Loong, Dap and Tadum
Tadum with her friends Mulai and A from Nazareth House