
Spinning for Sarnelli House from the Netherlands

On Thursday, December 18, 2008, about one hundred pupils from Sint-Maartenscollege (Unit Technique), Maastricht, Netherlands will take part in a charity-spinning, they will be sponsored by their families, friends, acquaintances and companies. The participating pupils are between 14 and 17 years old.

This activity will take place in a sportsclub "topfit" in Maastricht. The pupils have to spin two times for about half an hour each time.

On Monday, December 8, a presentation about the Sarnelli House was given by Angelique Ummels. And a future lesson will be given informing the pupils about safe sex, and the prevention of sexually transmitted diseases.

On Friday, December 19, the project will finish with a Christmas breakfast for all our pupils and on this occasion we hope to hand over as much as money as possible to "our friends of Sarnelli", Angelique and Leon. In this way we hope to contribute money towards the cost of a small clinic near Sarnelli House.

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