The October school holidays had lots of activities for the children. The holidays were shortened this year, as the schools were keen to make up for lost days due to the bad flooding in September. But the children, staff and volunteers packed a lot into the two free weeks. Swimming was the usual big hit it always is and children who typically can't remember what they studied in school on any given day somehow managed to learn the swimming timetable by heart so always knew when it was their house's turn to go!! It was a hot fortnight so the pool was a wonderful relief for them all.
Thanks to the generosity of a donor from the USA, the older children got to go to the cinema and enjoy various Thai or Korean horror movies.
Whatever money was left over from cinema trips paid for a big sports event in the Joseph and Mary Hall. The staff and volunteers joined in and the day was complete with prizes to the best team and the individual winners. A super BBQ - Thai style. - was the perfect ending to a great day and was duly demolished by the hungry hordes. The number of children in the holidays increases, as 15 children studying in boarding schools in the area come home to Sarnelli House for their holidays.