
A grand opening and a celebration

Last Saturday saw a beautiful celebration held in our small parish of Don Was. Fr. Black held a church feast for the parish and it was preceded by a celebration of 25 years of Sarnelli House and the opening of The Sharon Houminer House for our children living with disabilities. The Bishop of Udon Thani, Most Reverend Joseph Luechai, oversaw the celebrations and Miss Pang, one of Fr. Mike's office stalwarts, spoke on behalf of Sarnelli House, giving a potted history of the quarter of a century of achievement. The children had spent over a week practising their welcome dance and they were joined by our five committed and brave German volunteers. Fr. Ole travelled up from Bangkok to be present and Sarnelli House "alumni" visited from all over the province to be there for this special occasion. The staff did a wonderful job dressing the new house with flowers and bunting, and lining the pathway with over a dozen enlarged photos from the 25 years of Sarnelli House. Most of all, the four children living there loved the attention and the activity.

This new house has been a tremendous success and is typical of what Fr. Mike, Kung, Kate and all the staff are about, i.e., taking good care of those who nobody else can or will look after. It is named after the late Sharon Houminer, whose father has been a generous donor to Sarnelli House. The house is referred to by the staff as "Baan Nuna" (Nuna's House) after one of the residents, who, like Sharon, is a remarkable and much loved girl and very much the heart of Sarnelli.

There will be more stories looking back at the 25 years of Sarnelli House over the coming months

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